EVX store wanted to create a store where they can provide the customer's vehicles and the technology which is of future. We have actively started working on our store since 2020 and began our construction at that time. We focused on products that are less complicated and which can travel by themselves or transport customers. Adding to that, we also aim at the prior importance of environmentally friendly products that are useful for our daily lives without causing any harm. We, as a team, have spent thousands of hours on establishing the site and establishing products like this.
Robotti-imurit meaning robotic vacuum cleaner is becoming a favorite for mothers. Robotic vacuum cleaners are becoming one of our best sellers. These vacuum cleaners do not have eyes like us to watch the dirt that is around them, but instead, we have place sensors like cliff sensors, wall sensors, bump sensors, etc. These sensors help them to detect obstacles and avoid hitting your furniture or wall, and do not damage themselves. 

In Robotic vacuum cleaner, we also have a wide range of collections for you where you can buy the one with features that is convenient for you and your house. For robotic vacuum cleaners, we have different and amazing features like one can mop and clean with the same product. The suctions are really powerful, and there is a separate water tank. It has soundless running as it won't disturb your lifestyle. Very easy to be controlled as you can control them with smartphones also in just one click of a button will map the area in real-time. There are also vacuum cleaners that have a feature of an automatic dust container that can empty the dust and also will adapt and learn the map of the house. In one of the products, we have also added a feature that will target water spray to guard the furniture and also pet friendly.
To get so many customer-friendly features in a robotic vacuum cleaner was difficult, but luckily our hard work has paid off, and we were able to establish a strong product with the help of the cooperation of the product group as well. It is a proud moment for us, and we also proudly present our wide range of Robotti-imurit having amazing features. We hope to develop products just like this to make our customers happy.